Sunday, February 25, 2007

Obama on abortion

Obama is the most liberal senator on abortion. Period end of story- For proof just look at the “Illinois Born Alive Infants Protection Act” which Obama always voted against.

The act was written to force doctors who are performing abortions to treat the baby if it was born alive. Similar legislation passed the United States Senate by a 98-0 vote- not even john Kerry or Ted Kennedy had the guts to vote against that one but Obama did on the state level.

Obama has also voted twice in Illinois to force taxpayers to pay for abortions. Even if you are Pro-choice surely you dont support taking money from people and making them pay for what they consider murder do you?

Obama has also voted in favor of partial-birth abortion which is opposed by 80% of Americans. He is such a big fan of allowing the procedure he uses it as a fundraising tool.

Is this the new face of moderation from the Democratic party?

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