Monday, February 26, 2007

January 21 at TCUU

Since i know most of you couldn't attend Trinity United Church of Christ (obama's church) on January 21 so I thought i would pass on part of the church bulletin to you.

The President tries to frame the justification for his insanity by using language describing the debate in this country over the war as “a great struggle between those who believe in freedom in moderation and extremists who kill the innocent.”

The reality, however, is that the entire war in Iraq and the larger “war on terror” have been based on lies, half-truths and distortions to serve the agenda of the United States imperialism. Where is the public outcry? Where is the outrage? What’s goin’ on?

There is more focus on what the Bears may or may not do as they play a football game against New Orleans than there is on the 3,000 homeless who are still living or displaced in the real life game called “New Orleans.”

Those poor Black and white displaced citizens of New Orleans (not imported team members playing for New Orleans), who have no place to go and no place to live because of this administration’s illegal war and its billions of dollars wasted on prosecuting that war, join with me in asking, “What’s goin’ on?”

Does a man who aligns himself with a group like this deserve to be president?

BTW you missed your chance to get Obama's autograph after the church service on Jan 28th. Sorry i was late getting the info to you.

Any idea where the ACLU is to stop this seperation of church and state?

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